
His using my writing is what this site and I are about.

30 Precepts of the Sage

The Thirty Precepts of the Sages







A Study in Rules of Success




















Michael C. Little


















Proverbs 22:21


Listen carefully to my wisdom;

take to heart what I can teach you.

You’ll treasure its sweetness deep within;

you’ll give it bold expression in your speech.

To make sure your foundation is trust in God,

I’m laying it all out right now just for you.

I’m giving you thirty sterling principles—

tested guidelines to live by.

Believe me—these are truths that work,

and will keep you accountable

to those who sent you.


The Precepts of the Catholic church are:


Attend mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, and rest from servile labour

Attend Confession at least once a year

Receive the sacraments of the Eucharist at least once a year during Easter

Observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the church (Ash Wednesday and Good Friday)

Help provide for the needs of the church

Observe the Church’s marriage laws

The Ten Commandments, Golden rule, Baptism are the first precepts


These are tenets held by all Catholics, regardless of any variation in worship. They are the determination of everything a Catholic believes, claims, and expects.


Solomon has set out for us in Proverbs 22:17 through 24:22 exactly what determines that belief, fact, faith, and actions of any sage-regardless of age. They are the principles or rules concerning personal conduct for a sage. A sage is any mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics.  These are the principles by which any Christian witness meets the world as he or she ministers to the needs of others – physical, spiritual, economic, or mental. The sage or mentor assures the pupil that these precepts are true to all he was taught!


  1. Don’t walk on the poor.
  2. Don’t hang out with angry people.
  3. Don’t gamble,
  4. Don’t mess with ancestral boundary lines.
  5. Observe good people good at their work.
  6. Mind your manners when you dine with influential people.
  7. Don’t chase riches.
  8. Don’t accept meals from tightwads.
  9. Don’t bother talking sense to fools.
  10. Don’t cheat orphans out of their property.
  11. Give yourself to disciplined instruction and open your ears to tested knowledge.
  12. Spank your children.
  13. Wise children make for happy parents.
  14. Don’t envy careless rebels, but rather soak yourself in the fear of God.
  15. Don’t drink or eat too much.
  16. Listen to your father, care for your mother and buy wisdom, education and insight.
  17. Avoid whores.
  18. Avoid the drink.
  19. Don’t envy bad people.
  20. Use wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to build your house.
  21. Seek wisdom, intelligence, strategic planning, and good counsel.
  22. Have wise conversation.
  23. Avoid evil and foolish people.
  24. Don’t fall to pieces in a crisis.
  25. Rescue the perishing.
  26. Eat good food, knowledge, and wisdom.
  27. Don’t interfere with good people’s lives.
  28. Don’t laugh when your enemy falls.
  29. Don’t bother your head with braggarts, nor wish to succeed like the wicked.
  30. Fear God and respect your leaders.





Donald Trump has caused me to go back to my Biblical roots and study so I can relate the Bible more to the current events. Granted, Bible interpretation is not personal, but demands Bible study, mentor explanations, personal prayer and the continuous eye and ear opening of the heart. I heard “Build the Wall.” And my mind quickly went to studying Nehemiah and his charge to build the wall protecting Jerusalem (Neh.2:17,18). He had struggles against enemies, doubters, never-Nehemiah’s, mockers and time constraints; but, when God spoke, he had to act.

I heard so much talk about Trump’s not being Christian, caring only for his own possessions, knows nothing about politics, and my mind went to Cyrus and his efforts to restore Jerusalem and the Jewish nation! ( Ezra 1:1-4). Cyrus knew nothing positive about Jews, but when he saw that God had called him out 200 years before in His Word, he acted and sent the Jews home (Isaiah 45:1-7) . When I first was asked about QAnon by my cousin’s wife, I questioned her faith in this conspiracy theory. She led me to the “Praying Medic”, and my whole world has been shuffled! My faith was rekindled to love and “Trust the Plan”.

It has been about a year since I started this particular effort and I am so glad that Trump is not cursed with my consistency. I will restart tomorrow and see if I can cha

Lemberg you to check out Trump and how his actions fit with biblical history. As QSays, “This is gonna be Biblical”! Hope you enjoy!

Looking ahead

I have never been a political enthusiast and I have made it 73 years without feeling the need. I have been to city council meetings to support my neighborhood, etc., but I never felt connected nor saw good results. I have always voted, but have known it was a pointless, frustrating effort. I joined advocacy groups meeting monthly with city council committees, but found they did not care about anything but what financial support they could get for their individual departments. I have met with neighborhood groups to further our areas of concern, like I ever saw any changes! I was on a Christian school board before changing to a council and saw good works, but always left insecure and doubted my contribution. I have chaired and served on workplace committees and seen good results, but questioned how much followed our recommendations. And, in 2015, along came Trump. I had written 15 books and published them on Smashwords and Kindle with limited response (1000 total books sold), so I wrote two devotionals relating Trump to a verse by verse daily devotion in 2017. I have sold 3 of them, so I sat right down and reconsidered my options. I published a paperbook through Kindle of 6 months Proverb devotions, which has sold none. Trump, though controversial, has grown more favorable, (especially to the working class, like myself) so I am looking forward to returning to my writing. I will try to put one on my blog as completed and solicit any help, response, suggestion, or input. Thanks for your help!

Daily Proverbs Devotions – 8 Trump Chapter 25-27

Chapter 25 –Prove or Vet what we have


Proverbs 21:20:  There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man swallows it up.


Message:  Valuables are safe in a wise person’s home; fools put it all out for yard sales.


Affirmation: If we do not prove what we have, we have no idea what we have


I think we all understand the value of our personal possessions and would not simply set them aside while we go about our business. When my son comes over for a visit, he immediately sets his keys and phone on the bookcase. Then before he gets distracted he will know exactly where his important possessions are. When he hears his phone or is ready to leave, he can move and act decisively.


By the same token, we have an undetermined number of illegal aliens strewn everywhere with no idea where or who they are. This might be an acceptable process for citizens with ties and dependence on the government but not visa over-stayers, or even freed, “unvetted” visitors. I can not understand this of our most treasured possession-freedom! Trump has tried to implement procedures and now, 9 months later, things seem to be going correctly (at least about immigration procedures)


As for you:


Challenge of Scripture





What can be done?





What is my first step?








Chapter 26 – Good life is found in the pursuit


Proverbs 21:21:  He who pursues righteous and loyalty find life, righteousness, and honor.


Message: Whoever goes hunting for what is right and kind finds life itself—glorious life!


Affirmation:  I look for the best in all situations and I am seldom disappointed


Going to racial equality and fairness, are we as a country trying to achieve the right goals? If we do not set goals, how can we fairly decide how we are doing and where we need to put more effort? I see profiling, but I am not sure whether it is saying one person automatically fits into any given profile. Though I have many first time impressions of people, I pretty much discount first impressions until I personally can see how we relate. Relationships pretty much decide the effectiveness of everything and a personal relationship with our Lord decides what we feel, sAt, and do.


What goals do you have relative to racial equality? What can we do? I don’t like the anthem and flag protests; but, I do support something being done about the reason for the protests. Rather than being concerned about the protest we should insure something is done to identify and correct issues between our citizens before we pursue DACA and other goals for America. A priority, just like Trump said in Detroit, must be to make sure all our citizens are fairly and justly treated here. Just like we all will at time’s end!


As for you:


Challenge of Scripture





What can be done?





What is my first step?







Chapter 27 – Strongholds must be protected by a Witness


Proverbs 21:22   A wise man scales the city of the mighty, and brings down the stronghold in which they trust.


Message:  One sage entered a whole city of armed soldiers—their trusted defenses fall to pieces!


Affirmation: I am protected from Satan’s attack through a faithful witness


Joyce Meyer defines a stronghold as “false arguments and wayward opinions that we allow to bounce around in our thoughts. We fail to take them captive and destroy them. We let them exist and do not deal with them.” Seems like a plan, huh? Deal with them! Like him or not, we should admit that Trump is controversial. He has repeatedly spoken truth to current activities and made people more aware of their personal responsibilities, whether it be electronic surveillance, patriotism, illegal aliens, racial equality, gun violence, voter fraud, abortion, government responsibility, IRS, work, debt, and any number of individual issues. The Message bible says it best, “one sage entered a whole city of armed soldiers—their defenses fall to pieces!


Trump may not be considered a “sage” but he has made us all think about the lies and deceptions in our elected government I have a listing of 50 atrocities of the Obama administration before Trump’s election, not counting the ones we have subsequently discovered. If Hillary had been elected, none of the crimes perpetrated against us citizens would have been known and if left up to our complicit news outlets, we could have it all covered up. Thanks goodness that Trump faced up to the impossible and offers us opportunities to clear up ageless problems and bring down the crooked government, regardless of party?




As for you


Challenge of Scripture





What can be done?





What is my first step?

Daily Proverbs Devotion-8 Trump Chapters 22-24

I have a little problem with my blog; it is a lot like Trump and his tweets. Funny how the internet gives little cowards like me the audacity to speak up and challenge, but I often do that and even speak without completely thinking through my message. Please take my thoughts as a tool to help us all think how every verse in the Bible can be applied to every person individually, daily. Think about your position and your response to action!

Chapter 22 – Take Pleasure in your time with God

Proverbs 21:17:  He who loves pleasure will become a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not become rich.


Message:  You’re addicted to thrills? What an empty life! The pursuit of pleasure is never satisfied.


Affirmation: I spend my quiet time with God auditing my actions and planning my future.



Though I have still not seen any change much in religious stance, I trust that Pence and the morning Prayer are helping to creatively provide peace and solutions. Trump loves work and family. Based on a recent interview with Ivana, work controlled his time until the children were old enough to learn the business. Once they could learn the art of the deal, Trump took over the training and indoctrination. His stance on drinking himself or doing drugs himself are well documented and part of that training!



I would like to see a WH devotion time of 3 minutes a day to speak to current daily issues, concerns, and prayers perhaps taped by “Fox and Friends”. It would not be acceptable in our society, but I would love to see it and document results! Being addicted to thrills is cheap but  expected response and preparation is necessary. Living off thrills is dangerous, energy draining, and wasteful. The preparation time with God in prayer is time well spent and should dictate our

life and future.



As for you:


Challenge of Scripture



What can be done?





What is my first step








Chapter 23 – If it’s not good, Continue, Hope, Expect,


Proverbs 21:18:   The wicked is a ransom for the righteous and the treacherous is in the place of the upright.


Message:  What a bad person plots against the good, boomerangs; the plotter gets it in the end.


Affirmation: Regardless of the situation, I expect the good to win out because ultimately, God can use anyone and anything to get His message out!


It seems that in life the evil and treacherous always win or are honored. No matter what Trump suggests, these momentary pundits make fun, try to embarrass, and ridicule him and his ideas.

There is no respect of him, his presidency (won election), nor his agenda, but the Trump voters get stronger and stronger in support! We recognize the truth of this verse!


What keeps us going is the poor misled who fall for the ridiculous slander and confusion (Satan). Most of the misled are lied to by those eager to get back to criminal activities for which they have grown accustomed! We care not only for our own, but for the lost listening to false promises. Eventually, the Lord will come back and take His own, and we are charged with getting all that He leads into His coming kingdom. Join us in service to Him, but not a Him or her!


As for you:


Challenge of Scripture





What can be done?





What is my first step?








Chapter 24 – Contentious attitude ruins all parties


Proverbs 21:19:  It is better to live in a desert land than with a contentious and vexing woman.


Message:  Better to live in a tent in the wild than with a cross and petulant spouse.


Affirmation:  I do not purposely keep a fight going, no one wins


Melanie Trump is probably the best First Lady our country has ever had. She is beautiful, poised, confident around her provocative husband, and most importantly a new immigrant. She offers an insight few of us know or realize. Though many of us are immigrants or have immigrant history, few realize the problems with our current immigration system. This puts her in a unique position of knowing a lot of what is wrong with current immigration. This spouse could never be a contentious or vexing voice. Who does this verse speak of?


Trump is married to his presidential work. His work is quite contentious and vexing. It would be much easier to be divorced from this work and settle off somewhere and live off what he has made for himself. Notice that the verse does not say “best” and guess why! For some people it could never be best. Some people are led of God to His purpose for them, and God will not let go until His purpose is final. No matter how frustrating, annoying, disgusting, or unsettling God’s purpose for each of us may appear, it is still best to pursue it. And one last point, as Colossians 3 tells us, God expects no one to work alone! God must dictate our walk and teamwork (whether it be in church, committee, or even congress) is paramount to His plan for all!



As for you:


Challenge of Scripture



What can be done?





What is my first step?

Daily Proverbs Devotions-8 Trump Chapters 19-21

Chapter 19 –A purposeful gift opens doors to forgiveness


Proverbs 21:14 A gift in secret subdues anger, and a bribe in the bosom strong wrath.


Message:  A quietly given gift soothes an irritable person; a heartfelt present cools a hot temper.


Affirmation: I send a card when I have offended, and I make a gift for ones angry with me


What kind of secretly given gift could we give Trump to reflect our patriotic appreciation for his stand for the American people and the way of life? What gift should we give to encourage and uplift? What should he give John McCain to thank him for his service? What would he give Chuck and Nancy for keeping him honest? What could Trump do for Hannity for faithfulness?


The sign reads, “Members Only”, “No shoes no food”, “No exceptions”, “No ticket, No entry” and such exclusive warnings, but there must be something that we should be giving our officials. There must be something we can do! In our days of division, in our times of separation, and in our times of anxiety we must stand up, regardless of age, race, religious beliefs, and political position as well as economic and educational status. We can. We can simply pray for God’s will to be done, and assure God that we trust Him to let us see His plan hen it comes to fruition. This, per Father Tim in the Mitford series by Jan Karon, is the prayer always answered. Pray believing!


As for you:


Challenge of Scripture





What can be done?




What is my first step?







Chapter 20 – Joy comes in the Morning


Proverbs 21:15 The execution of justice is joy for the righteous, but is terror to the workers of iniquity.


Message:  Good people celebrate when justice triumphs, but for the workers of evil it’s a bad day.


Affirmation: I look forward to the time of God’s final judgement!


Trump always praises “Fox and Friends” as his favorite news outlet. They may pander to the conservative political side but there are so many factions within the conservatives that it is open to much interpretation. and personal positions. Having this distinction however puts a big responsibility on the show! They can remind Trump of the faction differences and help him see how to change to suit himself and others. Trump knows the art of the deal, and knows how important the whole team is to success in any activity.


Though I know many Blacks are targeted, I feel more like they are feared. That may be because they fear police, Whites, or authority and put off a suspicious vibe. I think so much has been done to help Blacks, but most of the help with little Black input. What can we give to Blacks and Whites (as well as other socio-economic groups) to make us come together for real resolution without revolution? Once again, all of us probably have a mother that taught us to respect one another and demanded that we respect our God. All of us have seen the power of prayer whether we broadcast it, and each of us should spend time daily talking with God and then sharing what He has shared specifically to us. One way or another, we must come together! In prayer is best!


I admit I may not know what I am talking about, but I trust my Lord, who is forever in control. Pray for success before that Joy comes, and share the love and truth of our God!



Challenge of Scripture





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What is my first step?







Chapter 21 – The Road less Traveled


Proverbs 21:16   A man who wanders from the way of understanding will rest in the assembly of the dead.


Message:   Whoever wanders off the straight and narrow ends up in a congregation of ghosts.


Affirmation:  I read my Bible to confirm my path is truly the Way.


This verse could very well be spelling out the very path Trump has taken in his presidential agenda. Mitch McConnell said it best when he implied that Trump did not understand how things work in Washington politics. But, if your plan of action forms new understanding then one must know what to expect and how to be prepared. I am not saying that Trump looks to his Bible before he makes a decision, but he has considered all alternatives, negative, and positive. I trust that the daily devotions led by Mike Pence have taught humility in authority and confidence in actions.


But if a leader does not wander off, but plans a step, the ghosts he is joining will see change must occur. Trump jumped into the kneeling and appeared racist and unsympathetic to many, but how quickly he changed the position taught us all that the inequality conversation must go on, but as a country wide team, not as anyone’s glory. MLK did not draw attention to self but to a problem no one had honestly confronted. If we still have these same concerns, even to a reduced degree, we must work together to resolve!


As for you:


Challenge of Scripture




What can be done?





What is my first step?

Daily Proverbs Devotions-8 Trump Verses 16-18

I have held up, rewritten, and prayed over these next three for the past week. But I am hoping that you understand that these are my thoughts on what God has told me, and I am sure everyone has their own thoughts. All of us must  choose a side, make a decision,  and wait for the Lord to give us an opportunity to use it to lead someone to Him. Thanks,

Chapter 16 – Punishment is much deeper than scars

Proverbs 20:30:  Stripes that wound scour away evil and strokes reach the innermost parts.


Message:  A good thrashing purges evil; punishment goes deep within us.


Affirmation:  I use received physical punishment to teach myself how/what to change


Trump spoke out against abortion back in 2016 where he essentially said that women who repeatedly chose to have “free sex”, since abortion is the norm in today’s, society is sin punishable for the woman. I disagree to a point; Society is the guilty party and the men are the ones who foster these businesses! Abortion may be the best choice in a given situation, but I still believe in adoption. Abortion is more a societal sin rather than a personal sin.


Abortion paid for by the government is totally wrong. The scars left on the girls and women who murder their God-child will never free the victims to forgive themselves. We, as a society, must change our stance. How a person handles things must show responsibility and should reflect the best of all. How a pregnancy will heal  is not a sin, necessarily, but how the parents respond can be. We have destroyed the ideals of the world and even Christians by force feeding how much freedom abortion affords us; abortion only gives the offending parties another sin notch in their belts. After all, abortion was created to reduce Black births per Margaret Sanger, the mother of Planned Parenthood.


Think of all the emotional scars that these misled aborters will face over their lifetimes. These are scars that will never heal, without forgiveness! Who is there TO ASK?



As for you:


Challenge of Scripture





What can be done?





What is my first step?






Chapter 17 – Thru the looking glass, undo planned evil


Proverbs 21:12: The righteous one considers the house of the wicked, turning the wicked to ruin.


Message:  A God-loyal person will see right through the wicked and undo the evil they’ve planned.


Affirmation: I use my Bible to discern any actions against my faith


We have to come back to draining the swamp again. The righteous, in their own eyes, look at what happens to them and seeks to find a causal effect. Hillary looked at everything but herself. Democratic leaders look at how could they have lost and how to get back in power. Rino’s and Establishment congressional, cabinet, and the judicial system look at ways to obstruct as much success and growth as possible, in hopes of winning the election through polls or fraud, before too much has eroded their control. The voters look for their party to fix what is wrong but without changing what is the cause. God even seems to be working against the administration with unheard of hurricanes and such. The voters must be more involved and discover what is wrong and have it fixed.

We must be able to help immigrants who want to come here and work and succeed in our society. We must eliminate those who want to come here and make our society theirs, because that will destroy what we have built with God’s help. How does one determine the motive?

In Los Vegas, we see the need to ascertain the motive, and we see how motive can be hidden deeply. As far as illegal aliens and many refugees we see the motive by determining the goal.If the goal is settling and filling the existent society, it is good and true. If the goal is to set up a new society, it is both wrong and evil!

Only God can answer the Open Door policy and motive! We must have the right position.


As for you:




Challenge of Scripture





What can be done?





What is my first step?




Chapter 18 – Answers to prayers are dependent on actions taken


Proverbs 21:13:  He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.


Message:  If you stop your ears to the cries of the poor, your cries will go unheard, unanswered.


Affirmation: I do not always expect grace; I seek ways to help, speak to needy


Peaceful protests have always been effective and necessary. The lunch counter protests were effective because they protested where the change was most needed at that time. The Rev. Martin Luther King Washington protest occurred where it was needed – at the seat of government! The BLM protests are wrong for the violence component. The kneeling protest, though peaceful, happened in the wrong place because the biggest problem is not race but forgotten people. These kind of protests do not have a chance at success because they don’t address the real problems.


It is time for the right protest, for the right action, at the correct place. How? Who should promote? Ben Carson, Steve Harvey, and Condoleesa Rice should chair a commission, choose their teams, and go throughout this land a few quarters and pool recommendations and ideas from the “forgotten men, women, etc.” leaving no group behind, unrepresented! Coupling that with the prayers from all our citizens of faith and religions, we shall overcome the forgotten stigma!



As for you:


Challenge of Scripture





What can be done?





What is my first step?


Daily Proverbs Devotions 8 Trump Verse 15

Chapter 15 – Keep your eyes on the End Goal



Proverb 20:29: The glory of young men is their strength and the honor of old men is their gray hair.


Message:  Youth may be admired for vigor, but gray hair gives prestige to old age.


Affirmation: Physical strength gives way to strength of experience


One definite thing about Trump is his energy level! Regardless of the individual struggles he has, the incessant failings of those around him, the sense of lost pervading what he tries; he keeps up the good fight! How can he stay energized and get so much done on his own? In His Lutheran upbringing, he learned the importance of God and family which continues to drive him. He keeps his eye on the end goal. I personally enjoy how all these goals work together, I set 6 goals for each year, based on the acronym Fishes: Family, Intelligence, Social, Health, Economic, and most importantly, Spiritual. No matter how, I work on these goal achievements!


As younger people or changed people we have drive to succeed and chase those dreams. As older, experienced people we can see more limited time and options. To make all these goals work together, I set my Spiritual goal highest!   As  long as all my goals have connection to my spiritual goal, I win. I work on that goal hardest to make sure I achieve that one goal. I don’t know how Trump sets his goals, but I do know that his sober, concerted efforts helps him change all rotten grapes thrown his way into grape juice. I know he is a winner in his way, and he wants us all to share the prosperity among  ourselves with contributing immigrants, races, and socio-economic participants! Pray for his and our success!


As for you:


Challenge of Scripture





What can be done?





What is my first step?

Daily Proverbs Devotion -8 Trump Verse 14

Source: Daily Proverbs Devotion -8 Trump Verse 14

Daily Proverbs Devotion -8 Trump Verse 14

Proverbs 20:28:  Loyalty and truth preserve the king, And he upholds his throne by righteousness.


Message: Love and truth form a good leader; sound leadership is founded on loving integrity.


Affirmation: I faithfully serve my faith; loving my master Jesus who corrects me in love



Truth and integrity establish faith, and a faithful leader must represent both. For that reason, the campaign promises Trump made, like commitments we make must be completed. “No matter what!” Most people don’t care why or why not; results is what counts. In a President’s plan must be a way to succeed with only God to deliver these results. Trump has made impossible promises and plans with no concept how to achieve. I pray for Trump daily asking that the Lord’s will would be done and that Trump would expectantly pray and praise for the same. I am so glad that the Lord has put Mike Pence behind Trump to uphold him on the things that count!


James Comey claims that Trump required a loyalty pledge, which seems logical to me. We have seen how obvious Comey, McCain, Kashick, Bush, Sessions, and others have been; so, it is easy to see loyalty pledges mean little. Integrity and truth are easily seen and how the injured reacts is the determining factor. So many chances and forgiveness are wasted, but any decent person will stand up when all else fails. I will be loyal to Trump’s overall plan as long as I can see it is in God’s plan or until I see that the problems he faces are of his own making. No matter what!


As for you:



Challenge of Scripture




What can be done?





What is my first step?

Daily Devotions in Proverbs – 8 Trump Verse 13

Chapter 13 – God is watching all we do, think, and say


Proverbs 20:27: The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord; Searching all the inner most parts of his being.


Message:   God is in charge of human life, watching and examining us inside and out.


Affirmation:  I walk the walk and talk the talk to prove myself and my goals


If the spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, we must determine what this spirit is, because that

Spirit is examining within us, daily. There is a reason and purpose behind that Spirit much greater than what is seen. Are we paying attention to that Spirit within us prior to our human birth? Job 32:8 tells us that this spirit of man is the “Understanding that comes from Wisdom, beginning with the Knowledge of God” from Proverbs teachings. This devotion does not give me time to discuss my ideas about this, but suffice it to say that this spirit of man gives us conscience and personality which guides us.


Allow me to take this a step further and suggest that this may well be the motivation for all effective changes! Right this moment in time, I see this as the moment to finally begin another discussion of race, immigration, and spiritual growth. Trump had an excellent start in Detroit, but democrats have not given him enough time to get these discussions under way. This is another cost of obstructionism. Someone is even now being led to take action! Is it you or yours?



As for you:


Challenge of Scripture





What can be done?





What is my first step?